
【DoorDash 简介】

Doordash 是一个外卖平台,可以在网页或手机 app 里订购合作商家的餐食。

新用户通过推荐链接注册可以有 $30 优惠(每次 $10 off,可使用三次)。 点击注册

想了解更多外卖平台,可以看这里:疫情期间,如何躺着给社会做贡献?宅家神器 + 折扣信息总结


这个活动叫做 “Summer of DashPass”, 需要你是 DashPass 的会员。每周都会有一个活动,一共持续7周。

  • July 20–26: To kick off the start of Summer of DashPass, DashPass members can get a free cheese or pepperoni ExtraMostBestest® pizza with a Little Caesars order $20+ until 7/26 with code ‘CAESARS’.***
  • July 27 — August 2: Put those walking shoes on or rev up your engine because it’s Pickup week! Using the code ‘HUNGRY’, DashPass members can get $10 off a Pickup order of $20 or more.
  • August 3–9: There is never a bad time to surprise a friend or loved one with a gift. Whether sending a delicious box of cookies to candles and spa sets, DashPass members who use our Gifting feature to send a gift can get $10 off a gift order of $20 or more using code ‘FRIENDLY’ during Gifting week!
  • August 10–16: DoorDash is giving Thirsty Thursday a whole new meaning with Alcohol week. Using the code ‘THIRSTY’, eligible DashPass members (21 yrs+) can get $10 off an alcohol order of $40 or more. Offer only available in select states. See Summer of DashPass Terms.*
  • August 17–23: From chips and candy to slurpees and sunblock, the world is a DashPass member’s oyster during Convenience week. This week, DashPass members can enjoy $10 off an order of $20 or more on any Convenience or DashMart order using the code ‘SNACKY’.
  • August 24–30: DoorDash didn’t fur-get about your furry friends — that’s right, it’s Pets week! Members can get $10 off any pet supply order of $20 or more using the code ‘FLUFFY’.
  • August 31 — September 6: Rounding out the last week of Summer of DashPass is Grocery Week! It’s the perfect time to have one last summer barbeque or kickback with friends and family, complete with fresh and delicious ingredients. This week, DashPass members who have access to grocery delivery can get $10 off grocery orders of $25 or more using the code ‘EASY’, as in, “getting groceries delivered has never been easier with DoorDash!”****


  1. 活动时间:2021年7月20日 – 2021年9月6日。
  2. 必须是 DashPass 会员。

【免费 DashPass 会员】

DashPass 是 DoorDash 的订阅 Pass,每月 $9.99。 购买 DashPass 的用户可获得 Free delivery 和 reduced service fees.

如果你有 Chase 的信用卡,可以免费获得 DashPass 会员。详细可以看这里:Chase 信用卡持卡者 免费赠送 DashPass 会员(DoorDash 免运费)

【其他可以叠加的 Deal】

  1. 通过 省钱神器 – Fluz 可以购买打折 DoorDash 电子礼品卡(新用户可以 8折购买)。
  2. 【重点】现在 Mastercard 持卡用户,每月前2单可以返$10. 详情:外卖 | 大家别忘了 DoorDash 每月可以白嫖$10
  3. Amex 的酒店航空联名卡到今年年底每月有$5-$20的吃饭 Credit 可用在 DoorDash. 详情:快加!Amex 爸爸继续放大招,这些航空酒店联名卡统统新添福利!
  4. DoorDash 支持 PayPal, 这个季度 Discover it 信用卡在 PayPal 消费可以返5%,新用户可以返10%.
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